About Me

A twenty-something chemical engineering student from Toronto, Canada with an unhealthy obsession with all things beauty, fashion food and travel. Born in Sri Lanka, raised in Hong Kong for most my life and moving to Canada has made me a wandering soul, always hungry for new and exciting adventures.

 I wanted to create a site that would be raw, honest, and (hopefully) unbiased in its ideas and reviews. I want readers to be sure that all opinions are truly my own.

If anyone is wondering, my skin is naturally combination - an oily T-zone but a dry mouth-chin area (especially during winter). I have sensitive skin and break out on my cheeks, especially during certain times of the month, and I scar easily. I'm currently working on balancing out my skin and I believe I've found products that are doing just that (a post on that soon!)

My foundation shade is NW 35 by MAC though I've been told that it's odd that foundation works for me as I am supposedly warm toned! 

Ethical purchasing: I think it's important to remember kindness and compassion even when it comes to beauty. I will do my best to avoid products that are tested on animals and I will always try to make an eco-friendly choice whenever possible. I will also try to avoid products that are made using the mistreatment of workers and those made illegally on occupied land. If you have recommendations for me or see me doing anything that goes against this  idea, please let me know! I'm always looking to learn.

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